Oriental Rugs - Choosing the Persian Rug That's Right for You


Oriental Rugs Atlanta

Oriental rugs can create a dynamic visual that is not found in any monotonous living space. The intricate design and pleasant colors add visual appeal and help to harmonize the space with your belongings. With so many designs to choose from, choosing an oriental area rug that's right for you can be quite a daunting task. Determining factors for choosing an oriental rug include quality, price, flooring, furniture, predetermined upholstery, and space. This is an important decision for any home decorator and should be done with careful planning in advance.

Let's start with the flooring. In my opinion, the best type of home for a new Persian rug is a hardwood floor. A well-varnished hardwood floor on its own is a beautiful addition to any living space, but an oriental rug for a contrast will brighten the flooring itself to new life. The natural, earthy tones of the hardwood floor accentuate most oriental rugs and provide a nice "frame" for the rugs. In return, Oriental rugs pay attention to hardwood floors and protect them from scratches and cuts. A general rule to follow when choosing a Persian rug is to consider the color of the floor. If the wood grain is light tones, a dark oriental rug is a better companion than a light rug. Likewise, vice versa. Darker grains are more suitable for lighter colored rugs. Other types of flooring to consider for oriental rugs are marble, tile, and in some cases carpets are acceptable. Color matching is essential for these flooring styles.

Room décor and furnishings can play a big role in choosing an oriental rug. Curtains and upholstery colors are very important in finding the right Persian rug for your room. The most difficult part of making a decision here is deciding on the color scheme of the space. The dominant color should be chosen as the basis for choosing oriental rugs by comparing all the major colors you will see in the room (curtain colors, upholstery, painted furniture and even the paint on the walls). This gives you a starting point when you start shopping for rugs. That doesn't mean you have to use the same color for your rugs, but at least you know which color to match. Sometimes matching a secondary primary color can be a smart choice for an oriental rug. As mentioned earlier, also keep in mind the color and tone of your flooring.

Price, size and quality are important factors when choosing a rug. Persian rugs aren't always cheap, especially considering the size of the room and the durability of the rugs. When choosing the right size for an oriental rug, the size of the room you're decorating is obviously important, but it's not the only determining factor. You may want one wide rug that covers most of the floor, or you may want to place several smaller round or oval rugs under your side table or coffee table. The possibilities are endless! All the same, price and quality are based on your needs and how much you are willing to spend. Properly made oriental rugs require more delicate cleaning and are often replaced sooner than expected. The oriental rugs you buy should be enjoyed, not an ongoing project full of problems. Also, a larger Persian rug may not be needed at all. Often, a smaller rug of the same design may be a better choice. At the same time, downsizing a smaller oriental rug may result in a lower price, but the quality will remain the same.

When purchasing oriental rugs, do not rely on an idea of the room you're decorating. This is a surefire way to get you home with a wacky Persian rug you're not satisfied with. Take a picture of the room with yourself. This is not a quality picture. A quick Polaroid photo or a cell phone picture would work well. Even better, you can order online while sitting in your room and match your rugs! In any case, do not rely solely on memory. This is an unacceptable mistake, especially when the store does not have a refund policy.

Choosing an oriental rug takes a lot of thought, but it shouldn't be too difficult if you consider all these options before making your purchase. The main thing to remember is to buy an oriental rug that's right for you. You will spend most of your time with it, and you will be the one to display it proudly or sadly turn the visitor to shame. Meet the oriental rug, the star of your living space today!
